Inesco Ingenieros is a dynamic and experienced company specialized in offering novel solutions for different sectors such as nuclear, wind, industrial, petrochemical or transport.
Our main research areas are the following:
- Structural integrity
- Numerical simulation
- Materials engineering
- Predictive maintenance
- Non-destructive testing
- Machine vision
- Measurement and data acquisition systems
- Embedded systems based on microprocessor (ARM Cortex-M0, Cortex-M4, Cortex-M7)
- Development of multilayer PCBs
- Embedded and application software development

Inesco Ingenieros also participates in numerous collaborative projects funded the European Commission, within the Horizon 2020 and FP7 framework, and national projects funded by ‘National Industrial Development Centre’ (CDTI) and ‘Society for the Regional Development of Cantabria’ (SODERCAN).